Passage making

We’re sailing: planning, preparations, provisioning and keeping entertained during long passages…

6. December 2015

Norðri – Our Seascape 27 Video Story

I created a video featuring our Seascape 27 story from the start. I had planned to do a narrated video for a while now. The first part of video sequence is about the pick-up of Norðri from the yard in Slovenia and our cold and foggy maiden voyage. I hope you enjoy …
10. January 2015

First planning meeting

All rainy over Germany. Hurricane warning out for the north (vital). Winds up to 75 knots, water level 2,5 m over mean high water. With only 50 km/h on our Autobahn and the wipers at full throttle, I can barely see the road in front of me. I’m on my […]
11. July 2014

Summer vacation starts …

I’m rushing out of the office at 2pm to sneak up north before the heavy traffic is blocking the highways. If we are on time, we’ll be able to complete grocery shopping and storing of all the goods on board today. Traffic is reporting mostly all clear, stop-and-go around Hamburg, […]