After very relaxing 3 days, the crew was anxious to get all wet and shaky. Rasmus was so kind throwing in some decent winds. Too much actually. 7 Bft. in a 90° angle with an exit only two times as wide as the boat with some good current, we were stuck in Birkholm. Looked like this was going to be my day off …
With passing of the cold front the wind calmed down to 4 Bft. The looks of the crew where quite explicit: SAILING . NOW!
We tacked our way up to Søby with very little waves under full sail… perfect conditions to practice tacking and prepare for what was to come in two action days. Forecast of 3-4 Bft. turned out to be a constant 7 Btf. coming along with quite some waves south of Ærø and another 4-5 Bft. with guts up to 7 Btf. three days later. Seascape 27 is simply FUN & FAST!
Not much time for picture taking but we captured the Joyride with the GoPro.
“Who says sailing ain’t no sport?”