After a failed attempt of Seascape 18 sailing last season, I had the pleasure of doing so last Sunday. Sven, the owner of Plain Vanilla invited me for a joyride.
I’ve met Sven inside the first Seascape 27 at her worlds premiere at Boot in 2012. We’ve exchanged numbers and finally managed to sail together. Plain Vanilla is located at the Alster in Hamburg where Sven takes her out for regatta sailing frequently.
He wanted to introduce me to asymmetric spinnaker sailing. B&G reported 16 knots of average wind speed with gusts up to 26 knots … so maybe another day. This wind speed is already a lot for the Seascape 18 with the first reef and without the big sail and we sure paid our deed that day. The sails lay flat on the water twice and water was hitting the cabin through the hatch. So we nearly capsized, I actually think we did but the lifting keel pulled us up both times. No one got hurt and we were rewarded with loads of speed and exiting sailing.
I’ve got a lot of good tips for how to sail faster but also saw that there’s a lot to learn for me before I can compete myself.
Thank you Sven, I’m looking forward to our next encounter!