Few things broke, few things I wanted to change on my Seascape 27. Preferably I would have done it myself. At the same time, norðri wasn’t supposed to look like a boat maintained with two left hands.
I asked Bielmarin if I could join them in repairing and enhancing the boat instructed by a professional. And I did …
I pulled norðri into Bielmarin’s workshop last Sunday – very handy having a boat on a trailer. We started Monday morning with a long todo list. Biehlmarin has commissioned Peter Braun, master boat builder and owner of Braun Bootsbau for the job. Peter has worked for Sirius Yachts and Southern Spars (the experts in rigs) among others before starting his own company.
My first assignment was sanding the rig. We would later on attach reinforcements to change the main to sliders and paint it with clear coat for better UV protection – the UV exposed epoxy has covered the rig with a non good looking mist of whites over the season.
Funny story: When Knut Biehl showed up at the workshop, he said hi to everyone and asked where Mr. Pieritz (me) was; I had just shook his hands! He took me for some new assistant considering the carbon dust all over my face an body. Looks like I played my role well.
Whilst I was sanding for ~ 12 hours, Peter started with the other todos explaining what he was doing and how. I was surprised to see that everything can be fixed without leaving any marks behind. Peter has done a tremendous job.
Tit from Seascape joined us on Tuesday for a routine check of the keel hydraulic but also to fix the toilet pump, that has never been working properly. We lifted norðri for the hydraulic check – perfect opportunity for me to sand the underwater hull and paint new anti fouling. With experts guidance and best possible accessibility no biggi at all. What’s done is done!
It was a great learning experience and lots of fun. The 2.5 days have been a little tough on me as well – my usual desk job clearly left marks on my body. Muscles are still sore, especially the hands – wobbled from the sanding. I was glad and sad at the same time, when I left the unfinished boat Tuesday night – but I had to get back to work.
Thank you Knut, Peter, Gergor and Tit for the great time!