Season Start ’13: Alster Sailing
19. April 2013No Sailing Today
9. June 2013
As of today, I'm proud owner of a new pair of Lizard SPIN Boots. Just in time for the sailing trip with the Seascape 18 this Saturday. It took me a while until I found a fitting boot, of which I actually liked the look as well.
I do not like anything blue in clothing - expect for denim. This narrows the selection already drastically. I didn't want rubber boots. Usually the air circulation is not that good, though you can count on them in terms of keeping the water outside.
So I was looking for a long-lasting, non rubber boot, that is lightweight and prevents your feet from sweating...
My answer: the
Lizard SPIN Boot. This is not just a boot. Due to its innovative two layer system, the boot wraps perfectly around your leg. It almost feels as if you'd wear low shoes. The vendor promises good long-lasting quality and 100% waterproof. So far so good... I'll let you know if the boot is actually that good after I tested it myself.
Manufacturers video about how to wear the boot:
For those who are interested, I bought the boot at for ~ 200€, the customer service was really good and delivery the next day
(no, I do not get anything for saying this) ;)
Other articles dealing with the Lizard SPIN Boot: