We celebrated the naming ceremony of our Seascape 27 last Saturday. The conditions were perfect. The best possible weather for the time of year and location: 17° Celsius and all sunny. Even better, we could welcome 18 of our beloved family members and friends at the ceremony.
Rasmus and Neptune were presented with a well polished boat and extensive sips of champagne – may they be graceful with us from now on. I will not repeat the entire speech – as we didn’t write it down, this would be hard anyway – but I would like to say something about the name.
norðri … we’ve been thinking about a name for quite a while. Believe me, it did not look good for the “poor” boat. Just about a week before we picked it up, and somewhat by luck or faith, we found it – This is it!
norðri one of four dwarfs from northern mythology. The dwarfs that uphold the heavenly dome, each representing a cardinal point. norðri representing North.
We both have special ties to the North. Both of us were born and raised in northern Germany, we both studied up North – in Finland to be exact. The North is something we can very well relate to. North – bringing compasses and people into line. North – mankind uses to navigate. Knowing North will help you stay on your path.
But norðri is more than that, more than North. norðri is a living creature with a soul. Dwarfs are known to be small but strong and robust at the same time. Attributes we see in our Seascape 27. Only 27 foot long, not big in dimensions but strong and seaworthy.
norðri – this is it!
After the ceremony we feasted on sausages, beer and more champagne. Mölkky – a wooden game from Finland. Our guests had plenty of time to contemplate norðri and get some good tan while chilling at the beach. The day came to a perfect end with a Sundowner at our cockpit and a sleep over of two of our friends.
Big thanks to all our guest for making this day as beautiful as it was and the once who could not join but though about us. Fair Winds and Following Seas!