Hanseboot 2013
27. October 2013TackTick T108 / Raymarine Instruments
30. November 2013
The internet is awesome, what did we do without it? I want my new mooring ropes to last and not to fray. So I googled a little until I found a useful tutorial about how to apply whipping to ropes. There are different types, I went for Sailmaker's whipping - it's supposedly the best - the name says it all. After reading the text, I quickly watched a video on YouTube ... et voilà - a tight thing.
I only finished one rope, as I fucked up my needle. The small one, I used to finish the second end, was just to small. So three ropes and six whippings to go!
Sorry, I used black on black ... but it seemed the right thing to do.
Whipping result