Apps & co. mini-post-series

Post-series about the apps we used on-board our Seascape 27

27. February 2015

Apps & co. – Entertainment and others

The third part of the Apps & co. mini-post-series is about entertainment and  other stuff I think you should know about. Something I really enjoy about sailing is the possibility to disconnect from the constantly faster spinning surrounding daily business. Yet some inspiration from nice music, books or even trash TV […]
20. February 2015

Apps & co. – Weather

The second part of the Apps & co. mini-post-series is about weather. They say weather is an inexact science. My feeling is forecasts for temperature and rain is pretty good, wind forecast seem to belong to a different league entirely, along with it sea state and wind inflicted current.
13. February 2015

Apps & co. – Navigation

Phil asked what apps I am using related to sailing. To avoid a novel-length post, I will publish an Apps & co. mini-post-series with three parts “Navigation”, “Weather” and “Entertainment and others”.