Many of you have asked what’s next, now that we have sold our Seascape 27; is this the end of Grow Sailing? … of course not!
Our goal is to sail around the world one day and keep you in tune with our joy and impediments during preparations and the tour. We’re hoping our journey will inspire you to follow your dream and get you closer to – grow you into – the fascinating world of sailing. We have started with very little sailing experience and managed our own boat after having sailed for only 3 weeks in our lives.
Selling our Seascape – though not planned yet at all – is actually one step in the process. As much as Benny likes to cross the Atlantic on it, circumnavigation is another animal entirely. We’ll start looking to buy another boat now; hopefully the one for the big trip.
We are looking for a very seaworthy, very safe and beautifully looking 38 – 40 footer with great performance, in very good shape, two cabins, a workshop, tons of storage space and damn cheap of course *yeah right …*
We’ll see what comes out of it … who likes compromises? 🙂